Well, here we are! A little bit about us... Nathan and I were Married in Mexico with 10 of our closest friends on the beach, it was amazing, I should say he is amazing, I am luck to have him! Our son Nick is now 5 going on 15, he is so fun. Our newest addition, our little girl Jorja, she is growing so fast. Nathan attends UVU, works and has several bands, he is very talented. I am a secretary for a Plastic Surgeon, part-time but a full-time mom. Life is pretty good!!

Our Wedding Day

Our Wedding Day


The skateboard ramp is done! this picture sums it up, you can barley see Nick up there,
the ramp is so big! I am proud of my husband, he can build just about anything! This is something he has always wanted, we have a big enough yard that it is perfect.
too bad it wasnt a new kitchen, haha That will be the next big project!

1 comment:

Angie said...

Wow, that is HUGE! Looks like lots of fun. Next party at Dawns. Can't wait to see some fun tricks!