Well, here we are! A little bit about us... Nathan and I were Married in Mexico with 10 of our closest friends on the beach, it was amazing, I should say he is amazing, I am luck to have him! Our son Nick is now 5 going on 15, he is so fun. Our newest addition, our little girl Jorja, she is growing so fast. Nathan attends UVU, works and has several bands, he is very talented. I am a secretary for a Plastic Surgeon, part-time but a full-time mom. Life is pretty good!!

Our Wedding Day

Our Wedding Day


Nathan took Nick out and played in the snow today, they made a snowman with stick arms, a penny nose and bottle cap smile (they improvised)

There was so much snow this morning and now the sun is out, crazy weather!


we took the kids to see santa! Nick had made Santa a list and could not wait to give it to him, Jorja was fine, she was not scared at all. It was fun!


It is amazing how good you feel with a little bit of sleep!! Jorja slept almost 7 hours straight, Wow! I am a normal person and not a zombie just going through the motions. Hopefully she will continue sleeping good, Nick still wakes up several times.

Gingerbread house

We decorated our tree and then made a gingerbread house. It is so fun seeing the excitment on Nicks face, he is so excited for everything christmas. Ta Duh! Such a proud 4 year old!
Jorja was so good she just watched the whole thing and then fell asleep.

oh christmas tree

we went and got our christmas tree, kind of weird picking out a tree with no snow on the ground, doesn't feel like christmas yet. Anyways, I love the "charlie brown" style trees, my sister in law told us where they go every year, we went there and it is just a family that sales them right in their front yard, but a large selection and cheap prices, we only spent $30 compared to years past $60-100. Baum's christmas trees, in Orem check'em out!