Well, here we are! A little bit about us... Nathan and I were Married in Mexico with 10 of our closest friends on the beach, it was amazing, I should say he is amazing, I am luck to have him! Our son Nick is now 5 going on 15, he is so fun. Our newest addition, our little girl Jorja, she is growing so fast. Nathan attends UVU, works and has several bands, he is very talented. I am a secretary for a Plastic Surgeon, part-time but a full-time mom. Life is pretty good!!

Our Wedding Day

Our Wedding Day

nicks surgery

Just an update, Nick had surgery on Thursday. He is doing great, children are so amazingly resiluant, I am so amazed by him! the worst part for the poor little guy was coming off of the general anes. He had two ingunial hernias, the surgeon from Primary childrens said that he "just had to fix what mother nature didnt" the hernias were small! Now just to keep him down, no jumping on the tramp for 2 weeks.
Thank you all for your cares and concerns! we had lots of vistors and gifts, even little sam brought him a get well bakugan toy. Thank you!

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Hey I tried to text ya about paisleys b day party this sat June 27 @5 at Lindon park I didn't have your address but you are so invited!!!! Hope to see ya there!