Well, here we are! A little bit about us... Nathan and I were Married in Mexico with 10 of our closest friends on the beach, it was amazing, I should say he is amazing, I am luck to have him! Our son Nick is now 5 going on 15, he is so fun. Our newest addition, our little girl Jorja, she is growing so fast. Nathan attends UVU, works and has several bands, he is very talented. I am a secretary for a Plastic Surgeon, part-time but a full-time mom. Life is pretty good!!

Our Wedding Day

Our Wedding Day

new swing

we splurged and got a new swing, i think it is a hit!
what do you think? the old one is for sale if anyone is


k- said...

Look at that smile! Yeah, it's a hit! and YES on Christmas cards! I have a special idea for you! Send me the photos you'd like to use and i'll whip it up!


Brianna Warnick said...

well...about christmas presents...i would like some toilet cleaner, maybe one of those things you hook in the toilet that freshens the bathroom...and landon wants cucumber melon body wash! ha ha...of course i don't know what landon wants but he loves baths i do know that. and i don't want clothes cuz i'm just pregnant all the time. but really anything i will love!!